Pontoon Card Game Explained: History, Rules and getting 21!
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Pontoon Card Game: History, Rules & Card Values

Pontoon Card Game

The Pontoon card game is amongst the oldest casino games you can still play. It is a captivating game that influenced the creation of the classic Blackjack. You will find out that these two games look similar. But our specialists created this article to help you identify the differences and advantages of this British casino game.

Let's discover the peculiarities of the Pontoon card game and see where you can play it legally in the UK!

What Is Pontoon?

Pontoon is a European variant of blackjack, likely stemming from 17th-century Spanish card games like "Ventiuna". The Pontoon game has evolved in the UK separately from the American blackjack. Thus, both games are linked to the French game of 21.

The Pontoon card game has a structure similar to blackjack. So, you still have to aim to reach a hand value of 21. However, there are key differences. Pontoon usually uses a maximum of two decks, while Blackjack can end up to eight decks. 

Pontoon Game Rules

The game begins with the dealer checking for a "Pontoon" (an Ace and any 10-point card), which is an automatic win. Keep in mind, both of the dealer’s cards are face down, so you won’t be able to see them.

A key rule in Pontoon is that ties go in the dealer’s favour. If your hand matches the dealer's, you lose, unlike in blackjack where a tie lets you start over and keep your stake. Additionally, you can’t stand if your hand is less than 15. So you’ll need to keep drawing cards until you hit at least 15 or go over. Besides, there is no insurance in Pontoon.

Five-Card Trick 

The Five-Card Trick is a unique winning hand in Pontoon. If you manage to collect five cards without busting, you automatically win, unless the dealer has a Pontoon. 

This hand pays out 2:1, the same as a Pontoon. Thus it is a valuable strategy if your budget allows you to try it out. 

Doubling Down in Pontoon Game

The Pontoon card game also offers flexibility with doubling down. 

You can double your bet at any time during your hand and keep hitting afterward, which differs from blackjack where doubling down limits you to one more card. This means you can double down even after hitting a few cards. This particularity gives you more strategic options during the game. But you must always keep hitting until your hand reaches at least 15.

Can You Play Pontoon In The UK? 

The game most probably created in the UK, you can play Pontoon legally in the UK in different settings. Even if Pontoon is not the most popular live casino game, you will still find it in online and land-based casinos. 

The Casino's House Edge

The house edge is a general advantage that as much as you win, you still pay a “fee” to the casino. Although Blackjack offers players one of the lowest house edges, Pontoon is it even lower. In general you’ll see Pontoon tables with a house edge of 0.38%, but you can also find online Pontoon games 0.5%, or 2% edge. 

Pontoon Lingo

Pontoon TermBlackjack Equivalent
Real Meaning
Take an extra card to get closer to 21
Keep your current hand and take no more cards
Double your bet and take one more card
Separate matching cards into two hands and play them individually
Five-Card Trick
No equivalent
Win with five cards

Card Values In Pontoon

Cards in the Pontoon card game have relatively the same values as in blackjack:

  1. Cards from 2 to 9 have the value of the card.
  2. The 10, Jack, Queen, and King all have a value of 10. 
  3. Aces can be valued as 1 or 11, providing flexibility when calculating your hand total.

How To Play Pontoon: Step-By-Step

  1. Pick a casino regulated by the UKGC for a safe and secure gaming experience;
  2. Select a table with a betting interval that fits your gambling budget;
  3. Place your initial bet to start the game;
  4. You are dealt two cards face up, while the dealer's two cards remain face down
  5. The dealer checks for a "Pontoon" before any actions are taken;
  6. If your hand totals less than 15, you must draw more cards;
  7. You can choose to double down at any point and continue hitting for more cards;
  8. If your hand ties with the dealer’s, you lose the round;
  9. Collect your winnings if you achieve a Pontoon, a Five-Card Trick, or beat the dealer without exceeding 21!